What's New List Events & Seminars Service Other Publications & Presentations2018.12 Publications & Presentations The contributed article “Reliablity assessment of papers on Endocrine disruptors in the EXTEND2016 of MoE, Japan.” by Y. KAWASHIMA was published in News Letter, Vol.21, No.3, Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupter Research.The contributed article “Reliablity assessment of papers on Endocrine disruptors in the EXTEND2016 of MoE, Japan.” by Y. KAWASHIMA was published in News Letter, Vol.21, No.3, Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupter Research. 2018.11 Publications & Presentations Y. MATSUNAGA gave presentation on ” Back ground and cause of differences between “science and technology communication” and “risk communication” ” at The Society for Risk Analysis Japan The 31st Annual Meeting.Y. MATSUNAGA gave presentation on ” Back ground and cause of differences between “science and technology communication” and “risk communication” ” at The Society for Risk Analysis Japan The 31st Annual Meeting. 2018.10 Publications & Presentations K. ITO published “Effective Utilization of Radiation Resistant RF Tag in the Decommissioning Work Management” in The fourth International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology (ICMST 2018).K. ITO published “Effective Utilization of Radiation Resistant RF Tag in the Decommissioning Work Management” in The fourth International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology (ICMST 2018). 2018.09 Publications & Presentations S. Sun gave presentation on “Discussion on NORM Management under Japanese Situation Based on Graded Approach ” at 9th International Conference on High Level Environmental Radiation Areas – For Understanding Chronic Low-Dose-Rate Radiation Exposure Health Effects and Social Impacts (ICHLERA 2018)S. Sun gave presentation on “Discussion on NORM Management under Japanese Situation Based on Graded Approach ” at 9th International Conference on High Level Environmental Radiation Areas – For Understanding Chronic Low-Dose-Rate Radiation Exposure Health Effects and Social Impacts (ICHLERA 2018) 2018.08 Publications & Presentations H. Toma published “Mechanisms of thyroid carcinogenesis” in Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan “ATOMOΣ”H. Toma published “Mechanisms of thyroid carcinogenesis” in Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan “ATOMOΣ” 2018.07 Publications & Presentations M. Kitagawa gave presentation on ” Environmental Impact Assessment for Offshore Oil and Gas Developments ” at International Ocean and Polar Engineering (ISOPE).M. Kitagawa gave presentation on ” Environmental Impact Assessment for Offshore Oil and Gas Developments ” at International Ocean and Polar Engineering (ISOPE). 2018.07 Publications & Presentations The contributed article “Detection of ships and recognition of ship types from images using deep learning Participation Report” by K. IWASAKI was published in KANRIN 79 2018/7The contributed article “Detection of ships and recognition of ship types from images using deep learning Participation Report” by K. IWASAKI was published in KANRIN 79 2018/7 2018.06 Publications & Presentations M. Kitagawa gave presentation on ” Environmental Impact Assessment for Offshore Oil and Gas Developments ” at Oceans ’18 MTS/IEEE Kobe/Techno-Ocean 2018.M. Kitagawa gave presentation on ” Environmental Impact Assessment for Offshore Oil and Gas Developments ” at Oceans ’18 MTS/IEEE Kobe/Techno-Ocean 2018. 2018.06 Publications & Presentations N. Hiki gave presentation on ” Global surveillance of plastic-derived contaminants and POPs in seabirds by using preen gland oil ” at Japan society for environmental chemistry.N. Hiki gave presentation on ” Global surveillance of plastic-derived contaminants and POPs in seabirds by using preen gland oil ” at Japan society for environmental chemistry.