
Information Services & Consulting

  JANUS has provided a variety of information on nuclear power over the years since its establishment in 1971. Particularly in recent years, nuclear power operators and vendors have been required to obtain overseas nuclear information on regulation, safety issues, operational experience, maintenance and aging management to reflect good practice. It is necessary to continue to obtain information from a vast amount of publicly available information and organize the information.
  To meet these needs, JANUS obtains information publicly as well as through cooperation with overseas partners. We have our nuclear specialists review the information and provide it to our clients in a timely manner.
  Also, for countries that newly introduce nuclear power generation JANUS provides support in complying with regulations and managing projects, etc.

U.S. Information Service

  US Nuclear Power Plant Licensing Information Service (LIS) is a membership-based service that organizes the latest US nuclear regulation and provides the information to our clients, as well as to promptly provide necessary information at the request of a client. This service started in 1974 and has been developed into current comprehensive service with technical knowledge accumulation.
  This service provides comprehensive information on nuclear policy, regulation, and industry activities in the following areas; accident analysis, safety evaluation; electrical component, power supply, and I&C design; mechanical component design, material, system and structure design, seismic design, operating control, maintenance, security, radiation protection, radioactive waste, and decommissioning.

Europe Information Service

  Nuclear Safety in European Countries (NUSEC) is a membership-based information service that organizes the latest information on a variety of issues concerning light water reactors in major European countries and provides the information to our clients, as well as to promptly provide necessary information at the request of a client. This service started in the year following the Chernobyl accident (1987), with a focus on technical surveys of severe accident management, which has been rapidly promoted in European countries in the wake of the accident, and has been developed into a comprehensive survey project concerning technical developments and policy developments in nuclear power generation in Europe.

Aging management

   JANUS surveys and analyzes U.S. nuclear power plants license renewal reviewed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), as well as aging management (the status of research and equipment replacement) and operating experience with aging degradation (generic communications, licensee event report (LER)) in the U.S. Since 1998, we have been providing a membership-based license renewal (LR) survey service. In recent years, we have surveyed the developments in the long-term operation of nuclear power plants in major European countries and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Advanced Maintenance

  JANUS conducts surveys and analyses to support the economical and safe operation of facilities, including nuclear power plants, during their life cycle. For example, we perform projects to assist in applying the reliability centered maintenance (RCM) approach, which is to achieve reasonable operation and maintenance while maintaining the reliability of facilities, to nuclear and thermal/hydroelectric power plants and other facilities such as transmission and transformation facilities, chemical plants and oil refining plants. In addition, we have conducted many surveys and researches on overseas information concerning the advanced operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants.

Operational experience

  We have considerable experience in surveying operational experience (accidents and problems) of nuclear power plants in Europe and the U.S. We can promptly provide a summary of events that are reported on a daily basis and conduct a detailed analysis of important events. We have experience in surveying and researching more than 1,000 events that were classified as Level 1 or higher on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) introduced by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Support in the Overseas Development of Nuclear Power

  We support activities in a variety of areas for building and operating nuclear power plants overseas. JANUS has the following strengths:

  • Environmental impact and other assessments in the planning stage: We have considerable experience in assessing the environmental impact of nuclear power plants and nuclear fuel cycle facilities in Japan.
  • Assistance in licensing application: We support licensing activities (environmental review, safety review, etc.) for building and operating nuclear power plants overseas, using our experience concerning information on the licensing of nuclear facilities in Europe and the U.S., a well-established overseas network and other resources.
  • Assessment for government support in financing: We have considerable experience in supporting due diligence assessments by the Export Credit Agency (ECA) and can contribute to the construction of overseas nuclear power plants.