In Japan, nuclear power has been used as a means to generate power because of lacks in fossil fuels such as oil and coal. In the use of nuclear power, radioactive waste is generated not only in nuclear power plants but also in various other facilities, including nuclear fuel cycle facilities. Due to the presence of radioactive material in these facilities, the decommissioning process after the end of the operating life requires different technologies from those used in other industrial facilities. Nuclear power plants as well as nuclear fuel cycle facilities must be operated and decommissioned in a safe and secure manner, and radioactive waste from the operation and decommissioning of these facilities must be treated in a safe and secure manner as well.
JANUS has worked to help address these issues and operate the facilities in a safe and secure manner through conducting a survey of the latest developments and assessment.
Based on cases where decommissioning of a nuclear facility was completed in a smooth manner, we search for information useful to promote a smooth decommissioning project, reduce radiation exposure, reduce radioactive waste generation, and save decommissioning cost.
Decommissioning of a nuclear facility that has lost confinement function for radioactive material due to a severe accident requires advanced dismantling and decontamination technologies. To help solve these issues, JANUS surveys and analyzes information (project experience, safety regulations, legal systems, etc.) on the decommissioning of overseas nuclear facilities.
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
JANUS surveys and analyzes information on overseas nuclear fuel cycles (safety regulations, accidents and problems, emergency preparedness, actions taken after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, energy policies, legal systems, etc.).
We also conduct assessment (particularly biosphere assessment) and an environmental impact assessment of the nuclear fuel cycle facility in Japan.
Radioactive Waste Disposal
In Japan, radioactive waste from the use of nuclear energy is planned to be disposed of underground at the depth based on the radioactivity level of the waste. Both in Japan and overseas, research and development on radioactive waste disposal has been conducted in a variety of areas such as geological environments, disposal technology and performance assessment. JANUS supports the research and development activities in Japan by conducting surveys of the latest information on research and development on radioactive waste disposal in Japan and overseas (the U.S. and major European countries, etc.).
Simulation of Underground Diffusion
In Japan, radioactive waste from the use of nuclear energy is planned to be disposed of underground at the depth based on the radioactivity level of the waste. Research and development on the disposal of different radioactivity levels of radioactive waste has been conducted in a variety of areas. In gperformance assessment, we assess the effect of radionuclides that may diffuse from radioactive waste disposed of underground. JANUS has experience in the impact analysis of radionuclides diffusing from different types of radioactive waste.