Ambient air quality
With our extensive experience in the fields of air quality simulation models and environmental air policy support, we contribute to better air quality in Japan.
Water environment
Our abundant knowledge and operational experience regarding oceans and rivers enables us to deal with diverse needs and issues related to these water environments.
Terrestrial environment
We address a broad range of problems such as the environmental issues permeating the daily life, the destruction of nature, environmental impact assessments, etc.
Fishery stock management
We evaluate fishery resources based on scientific knowledge in order to support the sustainable use of fishery stocks.
Resource Circulation / Waste Management
We are working on measures for marine litter, promoting the circulation of plastic resources, and studying ways to reduce food loss.
Climate Change
We provide various consulting services on global environmental issues such as ocean dumping (in the context of the London Protocol) and global warming.
Environmental impact assessment/Environmental conservation
Based on more than 40 years of experience, we offer broad support for environmental impact assessment procedures in Japan and overseas, namely by helping with surveys, projections, assessments, the creation of assessment statements from impact statements, stakeholder meetings, and so on.
Chemical Substances Management
We carry out consultation and research on various risks posed by chemical substances.
Capacity building of environmental issues
We support education on various environmental themes and the upbringing of future leaders on environmental issues.

Through environmental programs, we will contribute to the creation of a prosperous, safe and secure society founded on sustainable economic growth.