Management Philosophy

Management Philosophy

Japan NUS Co., Ltd. utilizes its advanced consulting capability developed in the fields of energy, environment, and social science to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society and a prosperous, secure future society.

  1. A close partner to our clients at all times
    We support our clients to find solutions to their challenges and problems. All our executives and consultants tackle issues together with our clients with a desire to make improvements.
  2. Information service from a global perspective
    We effectively utilize our global and valuable technical information, knowledge, and wisdom to contribute to creating ‘gnew wisdom’ and ‘gthe future’ for our clients.
  3. Business beyond the limits of consulting
    We utilize our know-how, experience, and networks acquired in consulting to take on a range of businesses in Japan and overseas that help to create a sustainable society.
  4. Fair and equitable business activities
    We always conduct compliance-aware business activities and sustain a high level of social credibility.