The Johannesburg Plan of Implementation adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in 2002 was set to achieve gby 2020, that chemicals are used and produced in ways that lead to the minimization of significant adverse effects on human health and the environment, and various efforts have been made so far.
We support various measures to achieve this goal. For example, we support government agencies and companies working on GHS-compliant MSDS creation, risk assessment support under the Chemical Substances Control Law, estimation not subject to PRTR notification, and initial risk assessment. We are also addressing new chemical issues such as endocrine disrupting effects, combined effects of multiple chemicals, and the risks of nanomaterials. In addition to consulting on measures to comply with international conventions and overseas laws and regulations related to chemical substances management and field surveys, we also formulate standards in Japan and overseas. Furthermore, as a legacy of the past, we also support research in the field of environmental health such as Minamata disease and Itai-itai disease, which caused human health effects, and former Japanese military poisonous gas and organic arsenic.

We have been conducting chemical risk assessments for many years through the support of the Ministry of the Environment, such as initial risk assessments and the establishment of standards for air pollutants.
We have supported government agencies and organizations to address international issues related to chemical substances management.
We provide various support such as domestic and overseas trend surveys to deal with new issues related to chemical substances management such as combined effects, endocrine disruption, and nanomaterials.