Problem and its background
CO2 capture and storage (CCS) involves capturing large quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2) from thermal power plants or other industrial facilities and storing it underground for a long-term period of time. CCS is the technology to reduce the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere, and it is gaining attention as a prominent measure to mitigate climate change.
An Overview of CCS (Source: GCCSI)
While each underlying technology behind CO2 capture, transport, and injection has long been used in other industries, CCS ? which integrates these technologies in an effort to combat climate change ? is recognized as a new technology and has not yet demonstrated enough. In addition to R&D in individual elements of the technology, CCS demonstration projects that integrate all processes from CO2 capture to storage are also planned and implemented at various locations. At the same time, a social environment for CCS implementation, including a regulatory framework, public acceptance and economic efficiency, is being developed all over the world.
Our services
ツ The environment surrounding CCS is rapidly changing domestically as well as internationally. JANUS offers a variety of CSS-related consulting services including but not limited to the following themes:
Legal and regulatory ? domestic and international
- climate change policy
- CCS-related regulations
- R&D trends
- project trends
- economic assessments
- LCA analysis
Social and Environmental
- Public acceptance
- Communication methodologies
- Public outreach programs
- Environmental impact assessment
- CO2 leak monitoring